Wednesday 15 September 2010

Bad Touch Video Editing Evaluation

We found that filming was difficult, this was most likely due to the lack of experience in planning a music video we have. We didn't rehearse before hand, and our lack of camera knowledge meant we struggled to work through quickly and we didn't make shot lists which are a very important part of the planning process. We found we struggled mostly with professionalism on the set. Despite being able to work well as a team and offer each other constructive advice and criticism, we laughed through out and many takes we're incomplete due to laughing.

On the plus side, we made a short story board, despite being largely incomplete it did benefit us; we also used make shift props and costume which helped us get into character more easily.

Something we noticed after filming was that our camera was not always steady. This is top of the criteria of a good film, therefore it is essential that we use steady clips, etc.


During our editing i discovered the importance of perfecting the lipsyncing; in some parts of our re-make the lip syncing was tight and looked convincing, in others it looked slightly off.

During this process I learnt skills which will benefit my future work; how to import, cut, move and resize scenes. Also how to change the speed duration, reverse shots, flip shots and crop them.

Emotionally the process was a struggle, it took a lot of time and paintence, and trouble with the computers meant not continulously saving work could mean loosing it as the application would freeze or quit without warning. It was a frustrating process that i felt required breaks inbetween. However i am greatful for doing it as it has given me an insight to my video and how the process will go for that.

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